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Ask One To Be One
Are you looking for something missing in your life? Perhaps joining with a Brotherhood of like-minded individuals is for you. Please come and visit us at about 6:45PM on any meeting night, meet some of the guys and pick up a Petition. You are always welcome!

Masonry and You

Are there things you want to accomplish in your life? Are there ways you want to enrich yourself? Do you enjoy being with people you like and respect? As a Mason, you’ll find friendship and fraternity. You’ll develop life skills like self-confidence, leadership, and effective communication. You’ll learn to work as part of a team — and to better yourself as you help others. Think about becoming one today.

How can I become a Mason?

It is important for you to know that those who desire Membership must seek it on their own. Unfortunately, without this understanding, many qualified men have not enjoyed the special rewards of Membership and fellowship in Freemasonry.

Anyone seeking Membership in Freemasonry must ask a Masonic friend to recommend him. He must sign a Petition, stating his age, occupation, and place of residence. Members of the Lodge vote by secret ballot. To be accepted, the ballot must be unanimous.

Freemasonry is proud of its philosophy and practice of "making good men better." Only individuals believed to be of the finest character are favorably considered for Membership. Every applicant must advocate his belief in the existence of a Supreme Being (atheists are not accepted into the Fraternity).

Every Man Desiring to become a Mason must believe in a Supreme Being. Freemasonry is not a religion and therefore every member is free to follow the Faith or Denomination best agreeing with his personal religious conviction. The necessity to believe in one Supreme Being is an ancient requirement to insure that if an individual recognizes the Fatherhood of God, he can readily accept the concept of the Brotherhood of man.


Grand Forks, North Dakota

Dear Sir:

Having expressed a desire to become a Freemason, we presume you are willing to consider thoroughly the step you propose to take. The exact nature of our institution being unknown to you, we deem it advisable that you should be informed on certain points, the knowledge of which may affect your decision to apply for membership.

Freemasonry interferes neither with religion nor politics, but has for its foundation the great basic principles of the Fatherhood of God and the Brotherhood of Man. No atheist can be a Freemason. Freemasonry strives to teach a man the duty he owes to God, to his neighbor and to himself. It includes the practice of virtue and makes an extensive use of symbolism in its teachings.

It cannot be too strongly emphasized that Freemasonry is not to be entered into in the hope of personal gain or advancement. Admission thereto must not be sought from mercenary or other unworthy motives. Anyone so actuated will be bitterly disappointed. The aim of the true Freemason is to cultivate a brotherly feeling among men and to help whomever he can.

Freemasonry is not a Benefit Society. This fact cannot be too strongly emphasized. We do not contribute any amount to entitle us to draw sick pay or benefits, or to make provision for those who survive us. There are other excellent Societies founded for this purpose. No man should enter the ranks of Freemasonry in hope or expectation that he will derive any financial benefit from it. Masonic Charity is directed towards those who, from unforeseen circumstances and through no fault of their own, have met with misfortune.

Loyalty to one's country is an essential qualification in Freemasonry, and only those are acceptable who cheerfully render obedience to every lawful authority. Disloyalty in any form is abhorrent to a Freemason and is regarded as a serious Masonic offense.

Freemasonry has, in all ages, insisted that men should come to its doors entirely of their own free will. Not as a result of solicitations, or from feelings of curiosity but simply from a favorable opinion of the Institution and a desire to be ranked among its members.

We think it advisable to inform you that admission to our craft will entail certain financial obligations which you should be able to discharge without detriment to yourself or those dependent on you. In addition to the fees payable on your entrance, there will be annual dues and possibly other assessments for the support of the Lodge. From time to time, you may be called upon to contribute for the relief work connected with the Craft.

We have no authority at the present time to give you further information regarding the Brotherhood you wish to join. We have provided sufficient information to enable you to conclude that Freemasonry is not contrary to the principles which mark a man of upright heart and mind and is not inconsistent with one's civil, moral or religious duties.

Knowing that a man's family is interested in any step taken that may affect their social connections and feel­ing that they, too, should have a clear understanding of the nature of the Fraternity, we would urge you to show this letter to them and discuss it with them, before submitting your petition.

Acacia Lodge No. 4, Ancient, Free and Accepted Masons, Grand Forks, North Dakota

Please make a decision to join us and contact us today.

Adobe Acrobat Reader is required to view and print the ND Petition for Degrees. You can download it for FREE by clicking on the icon:
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Click these links to download and print a petition:
ND Petition for Degrees (Front Side)
     ND Petition for Degrees (Reverse Side)

Copyright ©2024 Acacia Lodge #4 A.F. & A.M. - Grand Forks, North Dakota USA